Tyra Banks returning to ‘America’s Next Top Model’

Reality TV Show by Juancameneses11 licensed by (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Former Supermodel Tyra Banks is returning to host the show she created America’s Next Top Model.

CNN says Banks stopped hosting the reality series when the CW Network canceled the show after 22 cycles. She continued to be the shows executive producer.

The reality model series moved to VH1 along with a new host singer Rita Ora.

Banks thanked Ora on Twitter for her service for hosting the show.

“Mizz @ritaora, you exemplify Business Boss Brand to the fullest!” Banks tweeted. Thank You for all the amazingness you brought to ANTM.”

During the upcoming season, “ANTM”  will not be the only show she will hosting. There will be another gig under her belt hosting “America’s Got Talent.”

The job became available after Nick Cannon resigned because of beef he had with the NBC executives. Cannon said he was “threatened with termination.”

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